
Hello and welcome!

Thanks for registering for the DIY WordPress Workshop.

I'm happy to be able to provide this FREE workshop to teach you how to get the tools and know-how to build your own site.

In this workshop, I'll teach you how to:

  • purchase your own domain and hosting (so your site doesn’t need to be rented from Wix, Squarespace, Blogger, etc.)
  • install WordPress (an easy-to-use content management system)
  • install a premade theme that will make you look like a professional (without paying professional design rates)
  • organize your website so it’s easy to navigate
  • publish pages
  • start your blog
  • and more!

By the end of this training you will have a website that you own, you manage, and you can be proud to show to your friends, family, colleagues, and potential employers, customers and clients.

So, let’s get started

Disclaimer: This workshop includes affiliate links (which means I may make money if you choose to purchase mentioned items). I love all of the products mentioned in this course so you can feel good knowing they are what I always recommend!

Also, this course follows all guidelines laid out in the Simply Stated terms and conditions and privacy policy.

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